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Creating Thought-Provoking Games

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September 28, 2021
Riad is the product manager of Codecks. He is also the co-founder of indie games company Maschinen-Mensch and still believes that Street Fighter 2 is the most beautiful video game ever created. Coincidentally he also believes that Codecks is the best project management tool for game developers. Apparently he has been creating video games for over 14 years now and considers himself a productivity nerd: scrum, kanban, extreme programming, waterfall, seinfeld. He has tried it all.
Codecks LogoCodecks is a project management tool inspired by collectible card games. Sounds interesting? Check out our homepage for more information.

The Game Production Podcast is our game development podcast, featuring the production and business side of AAA and indie games. How do game developers manage ideas? How do they resolve team conflicts? How to they assess their game market chances? This is the industry podcast for game developers by game developers.

In our third episode Riad is talking with Ata Sergey Nowak, the co-founder and managing director of Torpor Games. They recently released their successful debut title Suzerain and we talk about creating narrative political games, sharing company ownership and everything in-between.


To see all episodes please visit the Game Production Podcast homepage.

Highlights from this episode

  • Communicating a game vision on Steam
  • Sharing equity of the company
  • Running a Discord roleplaying game in anticipation of the Steam launch
  • Having a company vision that goes beyond games
  • And much more..

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Codecks is a project management tool inspired by collectible card games.
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