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How to pitch your game to publishers (+ Template)

Unlock the secrets to a standout game pitch. From storytelling to slide essentials, master the art of grabbing a publisher's attention.
14 Aug, 2023

Going to a Game Conference like a Pro (22 tips, you might not know)

How to make the most out of your visit, from prep to visit to follow-up.
07 Aug, 2023

8 Best Project Management Tools for Game Development (The Ultimate List)

Which project management tool is the best for game developers?
06 Jun, 2023

How to create effective Video Game Trailers

Our best tips for creating an engaging video game trailer.
23 Feb, 2023

Designing your Steam Store page (Best Practices)

What to look out for when setting up your Steam store page.
09 Feb, 2023

Writing Modern Game Design Documents (+Examples)

Our best practices for Game Design Documents and how to manage them with Codecks.
20 Dec, 2022

Community Management for Games (Why and how to do it with Codecks)

How we're rethinking the game dev process by integrating your community.
04 Apr, 2022
Game Production Podcast
Episode 5

From Kingdom to Cloud Gardens

Thomas van den Berg talks about how he created the indie hit game Kingdom and his new game Cloud Gardens.
09 Dec, 2021
Game Production Podcast
Episode 4

Indie Game Marketing Tricks

Philomena Schwab of Stray Fawn Studio talks about the best techniques for indie game marketing right now.
15 Nov, 2021
Game Production Podcast
Episode 3

Creating Thought-Provoking Games

Ata Sergey Nowak from Topor Games talks about creating political games and sharing company ownership.
28 Sep, 2021
Game Production Podcast
Episode 2

How 11 Bit Studios publishes games

Marek Ziemak from 11 Bit Studios talks about publishing and what a 11 Bit Game is.
30 Aug, 2021

Ultimate list of the best Analysis Tools for Steam Developers

All Steam Tools for Game Devs that you should know about.
25 Jun, 2021

Video Game Production With Codecks from A to Z

Case Study for how Maschinen-Mensch uses Codecks to create games. Everything from project structure to Discord integration.
12 May, 2021

Survival Guide for Early Access Game Developers

A new approach to the game development life cycle and how to do it right.
13 Oct, 2020

The complete sales history of modest indie hit game Curious Expedition (2021 Update)

We decided to share the complete sales history of Curious Expedition 1. All the details by year, region, platform + dev history, marketing and more. We crunched the numbers!
20 Jul, 2020

Codecks is now free for small teams!

Introducing Free and Enterprise plans for small and big teams!
30 Mar, 2020
Game Production Podcast
Episode 1

Networking for Indie Game Devs

Daniel Helbig and Jan Bubenik from Megagon Industries talk about their work on Lonely Mountains: Downhill
17 Feb, 2020

Should you use time tracking for your game project?

Daniel shares his experiences on why time tracking for game development is a great idea.
07 Jan, 2020

Ultimate list of all tools we used to create a hit HTML5 game on Steam

The ultimate list of (almost) everything we used to create our premium Steam hit game Curious Expedition.
18 Nov, 2019

Feature Roundup September 2019

September has brought you precious UI improvements such us "Wide mode" as well as updates related to payments.
08 Oct, 2019

Discord for Game Developers

Codecks is the project management tool for game developers with built-in Discord integration! Community management and task management combined!
03 Sep, 2019

Mastering Multiple Projects in Parallel

Treating Projects as isolated silos has become an issue for bigger teams working with lots of projects. Check out how our latest release solves it with fundamental changes.
25 Jun, 2019

Codecks 2.0 – For Game Developers by Game Developers

Codecks is joining forces with Machinen-Mensch. Powered with inside knowledge, we'll now have a laser focus on game devs.
21 Jun, 2019

Project vs. Personal tags

Teams that religiously maintain and use a clean taxonomy will always have more control over their project.
17 Feb, 2017

Lessons Learnt Rewriting a React Library from Scratch

After over a year of using React Reform I decided to rewrite it from scratch. This resulted in a much improved api. This post describes which patterns in particular have been useful.
23 Jan, 2017

Introducing React Reform

React Reform allows you to create powerful themes for pleasant-to-use forms with React. This post gives a motivation for the creation of this library.
05 Jan, 2017

A little more conversation (but keep up the action)

Conversations you are actively involved in will always show up in the very top row so that you can prioritise them.
01 Aug, 2016

Inching towards closed beta

We now have a handful of friends and indie game developers that are using the development version of Codecks, warts and all.
06 May, 2016

Out of the cave, blinded by the light

We feel pretty good about all the subtle innovations we made to the basic formula offered by most project management tools.
02 Mar, 2016

The deck-building metaphor (and mechanic)

Choosing deck building as a mechanic for Codecks was as much a cultural choice as a natural way to think about bundling activities in contextual chunks.
29 May, 2015

Making tools for game developers

Rather than use a tool that assumes order and fails when faced with the reality of game development, we're building a tool that assumes chaos and, in spite of that, reduces the stress that comes with it.
08 May, 2015

Does the world really need another project management tool?

We all know that the creation, prioritization and monitoring of tasks (or ‘to-dos’) form the basic vocabulary of just about every group attempting to complete a project, big or small.
05 May, 2015

So, what is Codecks?

Codecks is a project management tool inspired by collectible card games.
Learn more